Some of Outreach Grid's most powerful tools are its maps. Maps are found all across the platform--giving contributors the ability to map hotspots, and allowing users to identify encampments and log encounters. This tutorial will walk you through all the tools that the maps have to offer.
Every map has a set of tools that can be found on both the right and left borders of the map. Please note that not all maps will have all tools. Some mapping features require more tools than others. This tutorial will walk through each tool. Though the tools may not always be available on each map, they will always be located in the same location when they are available.
Below is a sample map that features the full array of tools available. Let's begin by exploring the tools in the upper right corner.
The “Search Tool” looks like a magnifying glass, and allows you to search for a specific address or location. When the icon is clicked, a search bar opens, and you can type in your query. A set of matching results will appear, and when you click your selection, the map will center to the selected location, as in the map below. The Search Tool is found on all maps of the web version of the Outreach Grid platform.
The layers tool helps you control the appearance of the map. It also lets you view other locational data specific to your network, such as camps, agencies, and jurisdiction boundaries, as layers on the map. Upon clicking this icon, a drop down menu appears with two sets of selections separated by a horizontal line. The top set of selections allows you to change the view of the map and the lower half lets you adjust the layers of the map.
Each map begins on the default 'Light' view. This map is a muted, greyscale map, allowing the layer features(camps, agencies, jurisdictions, etc.) to appear more distinct.
There is also the option to change to map to the 'Streets' or 'Satellite' views. The 'Streets' view is a dark map that highlights streets and transit networks. The 'Satellite' view allows an in-depth 3D view of structures and terrain.
The lower half of the menu features the different types of layers for the map. Generally, when maps first appear on Outreach Grid, all the layers are visible.
There can be several layers depending on the specifications of your network. These layers can all be removed, viewed singularly, or they can be combined. The jurisdiction layer will outline the boundaries of your county, city, or agency groups. The agencies layer populates the map with blue balloon markers to indicate the agencies in your region that contribute to your Outreach Grid network.
The camps layer shows markers of the camps that have been created on your network. Red balloons indicate active camps, green indicates closed camps, peach indicates inactive camps, and orange camps indicate camps that were previously closed but are now active. Some maps also feature pink balloons, which are contributed locations.
Now let's take a look at the tools found on the left side of the map. These tools assist in navigating and adding locations in the Outreach Grid platform. To use these tools you will need to make sure your location services are enabled on your device.
The zoom tools allows you to zoom in and out of the map. Click the '+' sign to zoom in and the '-' sign to zoom out. Depending on the device you are using, you can also zoom in and out on the map using your mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen.
The navigation arrow works as a "locate me" tool. If location services are enabled on your device, clicking the navigation arrow will center the map on your current location.
The home button will center the map on the headquarters of the agency with which you are affiliated.
Any time a user adds a path to an encampment, the path is saved to the map. Clicking the waypost tool makes any paths drawn to camps visible.
The balloon marker lets choose a location on the map. When marking a camp or logging a location where you encountered a client, use this tool to grab a balloon and then place it on the appropriate location on the map.
These tools allow you to edit any additions you make to the map. The pencil icon is the edit tool. Click this icon to move your balloon marker to a different location on the map. The garbage bin icon allows you to remove a marker that you have placed.
That concludes the map tools available on the Outreach Grid platform. Should you need a refresher of these tools while you are on the platform, you can find the map legend
above the upper right corner of the map on the Encampments dashboard.