After logging in on the iOS User App, you'll be redirected to the Dashboard tab, where you have access to the inventories that your agency handles through Reservable Inventories.

Tapping Reservable Inventories redirects you to view a list of inventories your agency handles. Tap Manage on the inventory to view its utilization and manage its beds and reservations.

You'll be redirected to the shelter's main overview page. Here, you'll be able to see the shelter's Current Utilization Rate, any incoming Live Reservations, number of beds available and occupied, and access a list of Actions to help manage any incoming reservation requestsmanage the beds, and view who's currently utilizing the shelter.

Scan QR Code

With the dedicated in-app QR Code scanner, shelter operators can now manage beds on-the-go. Tapping on the Scan QR Code will prompt your device's camera to open to scan a bed's QR code.

After a QR Code has been scanned, you'll be redirected to the respective bed page. 

If a client is currently occupying the bed, the page will allow you to:

  • View who's currently staying in the bed
  • Confirm check that the individual is staying in the bed
  • Add notes to the client
  • Reassign the client to a different bed
  • Or, exit the client from the shelter

On this page, shelter operators can also view the history of clients who've stayed at the same bed. 

Inventory Items

Tapping into Inventory Items redirects you to a page where you can view an overview of all your beds -- how many of them are available, which type of beds are available, and which beds are currently being occupied. 

The colors of the bed map represent different states of a bed:

  • Green - Available - Indicates that this bed is available to be reserved against.
  • Gray - Unavailable - Indicates that this bed is unavailable to be reserved against or re-assigned to.
  • Red - Occupied - Indicates that this bed is currently being occupied by a client.

Tapping into a bed will redirect you to to the specific bed's page. If the bed is currently occupied, the shelter operator will see who's currently staying in the bed and be able to confirm check that the client is still staying there, reassign the client to a different bed, or exit the client from the shelter altogether. 

Shelter operators can also include notes about the client. Notes will follow the client in the event that the client is re-assigned to a different bed. Notes are not specific to the bed itself.

The History tab of the bed page shows a timeline of all clients who've stayed at this particular bed and how long they stayed. 


Shelter operators will receive notifications in the app, by email, and through the web platform of incoming requests. You can tap on the notification directly to access and manage the request. Shelter operators can also view all incoming requests by tapping the Requests tab on the inventory's overview page.

The Requests tab allows shelter operators to manage any new incoming reservation requests and extend any expired/renew previous requests. For the shelter operators, please review these requests in a timely manner so that service workers in the field can respond to the client accordingly.

Tapping into the request brings about the client card and the client's request log.

Shelter operators can choose to accept or decline the reservation request. 

Select the start time and end time for the client you are accepting into the shelter and select “Confirm Request.” This is the time window during which the client can be brought in by the requester.

Referring users will receive push notifications and emails of their updated reservation request with the time frame that was set to bring the client to the shelter.

Confirmed reservation requests will show up as Live Reservations / Current Reservations

Tap into the Current Reservations tab once the client has arrived at the shelter to start the check-in process.

Tap into the appropriate confirmed reservation to check-in the client. When checking in a client, navigate to the appropriate free bed and assign the bed to the client.